Amazon Returns Simplified

Return your Amazon items from your mobile device.

No Box/Label Required

Step 1

Add Your Packages

By pressing the "Plus" sign located on the bottom of your screen, you can begin the short process of returning your packages in minutes.

Step 2

Select Your Package Sizes

Here you will select the largest package you have. We highly suggest selecting an option that is as accurate as possible to provide the correct vehicle to accommodate your delivery.

Step 3

Select "Shipping Store"

In this screen you will be able to add different package sizes and the quantities of each size. You will also be able to select a date and time if you do not want an on-demand service. If you want On-Demand, you will not need to touch the "Pickup for" section.

Step 4

Select "Yes" to Add QR Code(s)

By selecting "Yes", you will have access to your picture library. In the case of an Amazon return, you will need to screenshot the Return QR code with the description of the item in your Amazon account.

Step 5

Add QR Code(s)

Here you will be able to add the Return QR codes in any order. It is very important that the screenshots display the description of the item you are returning. Once you have added the correct number of QR codes, select "Next".

Step 6

Choose Pick-up/Drop-off points

In this section you can select your pick up location and drop off destination. Pick up locations can be your home, place of business, or any other location you provide. Your destination will need to be a qualified return center in your area that accepts the QR codes you have provided.

Step 7

Select Vehicle Type

Select your vehicle type based on pricing, availability, and size. Package sizes are in direct relation with the size of the vehicle. You can choose from the following vehicle types that best fits your needs.

Step 8

Review Your Order

In the "Review Order" screen, you can review all the information you have provided and selected. If any information is incorrect, you can select the "Edit" button in the top right corner to make the necessary changes.

Step 9

Select Payment Details

Lastly, you can add your payment details or select a previous payment method to request a pick up for your ecommerce "Returns".


Your order had been completed! You will be notified once you are assigned a Linxer for pick up. Once you are assigned a Linxer you will be able to stay in contact with him/her during the commute within the app. You will also be notified every step of the way and provided pictures for proof of a completed return. You can view completed deliveries in your account with all the information you need such as pictures of returns, receipts from UPS, and more.


It's Time To Return!

What is a Linxer?

A Linxer is a trusted driver within your community that has volunteered to return your package when you find youreself not having the time.

Our Goal

Our goal is to connect the community. Linx simply connects members of the community with trusted drivers to compete package returns and shipping.


Long lines after work?...

Never again!

Pile of package in your house?...

Not anymore!

Stressed about the 30 day return policy?...

Stress be gone!

It's Time To Return!